FAQ - General

Can I trust the testimonials on your website?

Absolutely! Each individual featured on our website is a legit customer who has successfully powered up their sex life with Go Mode. 💪⚡️We have obtained their legal consent to showcase their success on our website and promotional materials.

What is the recommended usage?

To achieve the best results, we advise customers take Go Mode on an empty stomach (or as near to empty as possible). Start drinking 16-24oz of water after your meal. Then take a shot (about 1.5 to 2oz) of Go Mode and chase with water. We know the taste may not be ideal, but what can you expect from an all natural supplement?! 😩 Continue to drink water afterwards.

How long will it take before I feel the effects of Go Mode?

You'll feel Go Mode surging through your body in 30-45 minutes, depending on your blood circulation rate and body weight. The more you weigh may prolong effects due to blood circulation. Keep in mind, you may need to take a 2oz shot instead of a 1.5oz shot.

When's the best time to take Go Mode! while on a date?

When you know "it's a definite score," start drinking 16-24oz of water after your meal. Right before you leave, step away to the restroom and take your shot. On the way home, it'll start circulating within your bloodstream. You’ll start to feel it (within 30-45 minutes). Trust us when we say it will be OHHHH, SOOOO worth it. 👀🤤 by the time you reach your destination.

Can the use of Go Mode potentially interact with other medications I am taking?

If you are currently taking any medication, please consult a medical professional prior to taking Go Mode. This is especially important if you are pregnant or nursing, have allergies or sensitivities to salicylates (such as aspirin), have gastritis, stomach ulcers, heart conditions, or any other serious medical conditions. Go Mode is intended for adult use only.

How can I cancel my Order and Subscription?

Email customerservice@stayongomode.com to cancel your order and/or subscription. Go Mode offers a 5-day money-back guarantee for any unopened and returned product postmarked within 5 days of the date the product was delivered to you. You can cancel your subscription of Go Mode at any time, for any reason, without charge.

What is the active component of Go Mode?

Go Mode is derived from a proprietary blend of 100% all-natural roots, plants, and herbs from mother nature. Go Mode also contains: Attote, Devil’s Claw Root, Damiana Root, Gotu Kola Root, Lobelia Root, Moringa Root and Baoba Root.

How do I store Go Mode?

Keep Go Mode stored in a cool area or refrigerator until you’re ready to drink it.

How does Go Mode taste?

Now, we can’t lie to you here! Go Mode tastes like how an all-natural supplement sounds: earthy and grainy! It may not be the most tasteful supplement, but it sure will help you get to that point, if you know what we mean 😅. If you want to do something about the taste, get creative with it. Mix it with beet juice (which also helps with blood flow), add ginger, orange juice, etc. Feel free to experiment and see what works best for you! Regardless of how you mix it, be sure to drink 16-24 oz of water before ingesting.